It has been raining off and on for days. Today a bit clearer. Loved the backlight on these ferns.

Forest Rock
Popped up after the rain

Lessons on the Path
The saga of the Snake.
As I take my daily walk on the woodland path, I am becoming alert to guidance, lessons, and insights offered along the way. Today it came in the form of this little Snake. Missed opportunities. Little regrets. How often to we get a second chance? Are we able to recognize important choices when they present themselves? Do we possess the courage to act on those opportunities when we see them? The small choices we make each day build to form the larger picture of our life. Becoming more mindful of my choices and having the courage to act is a daily challenge as I journey along my life’s path.
Today, as I crossed the footbridge to start the curved path along the lake edge to the Point I heard a small rustling in the leaves beside me. It has become my habit to stop and try to identify any noise I hear along the path. Most times it is a squirrel, a chipmunk, or maybe a bird. Today, the sound was close, and slight, and after peering around a bit, I saw movement in the leaves and caught my first glimpse of this snake. My initial reaction was instinctual, muscles tensed up, nose wrinkled and I pulled away. Ugh, a snake! I thought about taking out the camera to get a shot but that thought was immediately replaced with “Why would you want to look at pictures of snakes!” so I turned away and continued along down the path. The conversation continued in my head and before long I was regretting my decision not to photograph the little snake. She really was pretty and I had been walking this path for months now and had not seen a snake before today. I was sorry I had passed up the opportunity to add her picture to my growing collection. It made me realize the value of each opportunity that presented itself. I vowed not to squander any further photo ops that came my way. I continued my circuit along the lakeshore another mile then back along the path to the footbridge. About 200 yards from the crossing, I was stunned to hear that gentle rustle again in the leaves beside the path. Incredibly here was my little friend again, posing for her picture! This time I did not hesitate.